Pilot Light Fellowship
Trusting God is a lifelong journey. Don’t travel alone.
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:20
"For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37
Pilot Light Universal Fellowship of Edmonton
is an ecumenical religious and spiritual society that serves to bring people together in a small group format to support the individual and collective awakening of universal consciousness. This consciousness affirms our oneness with one another, with all of life and with the Creator.
To fulfill these goals Pilot Light Universal Fellowship seeks to offer:
1. Small groups, where members will meet to listen deeply to one another and the movement of the spirit within, amongst us and in our lives. These small groups are a house church model while using various methods and modalities to support its function, such as: Circling, Focusing, meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative prayer.
2. Training programs in Relational and Small group Leadership so that the small group format (house church model) may grow and expand.
3. Bible studies groups and other small group studies
4. Counseling, spiritual direction and support groups may also be offered by trained individuals. The fellowship seeks to be of service beyond its own membership and may offer practical support for people in need within the local community and beyond.

Blog posts
Here are quotes that speak to us at Pilot Light. We invite you to join us in this blog by sharing what these words touch and open in you.
Please keep your sharing within the context of the quotes.